How to find Provider Id(CU reference) of the phone
Provider Id consists of two parts - model name and 'region' codename. For example 6058D-2AALRU7.
There are two ways to find the Provider Id(CU reference) of the phone.
With AlcatelTool
From the label on the phone
Reading Provider Id with EasyBox Mtk
You can find the Provider Id of the phone in the connection log of the EasyBox Mtk. Just connect to the phone and it
will be printed in the log.
Providr Id of the phone in the connection log
Reading Provider Id from the label at the back side of the phone
Usually there is a passport data label at the back side of the phone. It can be placed in two places.
Right at the phone body if the phone has unremovable battery.
Under the battery if the phone has removable battery. In this case you need to remove
back cover of the handset and unplag battery. The label will be placed under it.